Student Profile:
Aurora Stankiewicz

June 18, 2024

Aurora Stankiewicz最近完成了她在杰克逊预备学校的学业 & 为了提前获得学位,他在全球网络赌博平台进行了双重注册. “Right now, 我将在高中毕业的同时获得副学士学位,” she said. Her experience has been very positive. “I love their class […]

Student Profile
Charity Smith, Graphic Design Student

May 30, 2024

查莉蒂·史密斯全职工作,但她想回到学校做一些她喜欢的事情——平面设计.   “It’s a great outlet for me,” she said. “我大约五年前开始画画,我从来没有想过这会是我从事的工作. I kind of branched out into learning […]

Student Spotlight:
Jacob Weldon

April 29, 2024

他还做了即兴表演,包括独白和模拟试镜.   He credits Tomczak, 英语老师Michael Marra和数学老师Erik Brown是帮助他在这里取得成功的重要成员.   “Michael has the most charisma and is […]

Student Spotlight:
Elise Kruse

February 12, 2024

  Elise Kruse, an exceptional 18-year-old from Tecumseh, 即将结束她在JC/LISD学院的学习, a journey that began in middle school. “我了解得越多,就越觉得这是适合我的经历,”她说. 她立刻就喜欢上了小班授课和敬业的教授. “I […]

Alumni Spotlight
Katrina Vescelius

February 5, 2024

Meet Katrina Vescelius! 从不确定的开始到发现她真正的激情, 她在全球网络赌博平台的支持下找到了出路. 现在她在追求自己的梦想,成为一名呼吸治疗师, 她鼓舞着所有相信毅力的人. 当Katrina高中毕业时,她做了她认为最好的事情,去…